Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don’t Be a Victim of Yesterday

It’s easy in tough times and in life in general to feel like or maybe even take on the role of victim of yesterday, but it’s something that should be outlawed. Every individual has gifts that make them special and powerful right now, you just need to look for them. The only failure is the person that doesn’t even attempt to search for their power.

I’ve found mine in my desire to build up and strengthen people. Being passionate about allowing others see that even the most common person can make a difference and have their own power. Whether you find your power through art or self defense (my true love), it’s out there and you will excel at it. You just need to make the effort to find it and then hold on to it with all that’s within you.

Sitting back and feeling sorry for yourself will never fly in this world and simply waiting for it to come to you won’t happen, either. You must seek it out, try new things, and be open to new experiences… Through this, you’ll find what you’re needing and looking for.

So get up today and stop feeling like the victim of your own choices. There’s a better way, experience life.

Live it and create what you want to see.

“Nothing is worth more than this day.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe